The 5th Doctor - Ep. 4: Charter of Rights & Freedoms Legend Brian Peckford Condemns Vaccine Mandates
In this breaking and historic interview, the LAST SURVIVING ARCHITECT of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Honourable Brian Peckford, P.C., explodes onto the scene with his utter condemnation of the Canadian government's response to the "pandemic", and consequently its blatant violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The former Premier of Newfoundland discusses with Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D., the flagrant disregard of the fundamental principles and laws upon which Canada and its provinces were founded as enshrined in the Charter, the abject failure and globalist agenda of current Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the undemocratic policies of the three major parties and the radical restructuring that must occur, the upcoming federal election and his support for Max Bernier and the People's Party of Canada (P.P.C.), and what we can all do to urgently oppose the insidious, and now rapid loss of freedom and democracy.
I'ma freedom loving patriotic Canadian. I do not fear the virus. I can not give into this vaccination for moral reasons. The indemnified companies that make them use aborted baby cells to manufacture or test them. Beyond that they do cause harm. We've known many now who've been hurt. It's undeniable. I fear this globalist government starving me out and taking my children. Gulags come to mind. And it's very unnerving.
They are flagrantly violating section 1 of the charter.
LOTS of LOVE Foxfam!
Just take a look at Australia and New Zealand...the "vaxentration camps" for the Unvaccinated! Canada is part of the Commonwealth.
Dr. Dube,what I thought was going to brought out at the end,was what is happening to people's brains. What with the Brett Kavanaugh affair some years back(" I believe women.") and now this,is that there is a dirth of critical thinking,almost that part of the brain has been shut off(left side?). There is a meme that says: "the KGB tried an experiment for 2 months,where they bombarded people with fear based propaganda and found that after 2 months,they believed anything they told them." In December,2020,when the news came,I recognized a false flag event,plus the Chinese videos weren't adding up.Even I knew that "asymptomatic spread" is false and the 99.97% figure and "only 2%,not pandemic" was going around,cdc coercion,etc.... Yet,those(in mine and my wife's family)who have been brainwashed by the media and tv doctors and complicit local doctors,will not accept even the best medical proof. A good discussion for a Psychologist! So...many of us stand alone!
I totally agree with you richardbligdon! Something has to be affecting people's ability to use critical thought. Is it caused by something in the vaccine? Or are some ppl so brainwashed they will never see what is going on? My husband of over 20 years served in the Canadian Air Force for 5 years. He typically is no dummy, quite the opposite actually. Yet we DO NOT see eye to eye on world events and that has caused horrific damage to our relationship. I DIDN'T go to college or any other type of schooling after public school grade 12. I held jobs most of my life at banks in Canada or the Insurance industry. I find that most ppl who are "sleeping" are the ones who attended some sort of further education after grade 12. What's even more shocking & frustrating is these ppl's unwillingness to even have a conversation on the topic! It is shut down so fast and often with comments about how ridiculous I sound! I am trying to understand their blindness & have compassion because I was one of the sheep up until Feb/Mar 2021. However, the tyranny & corruption going on in Canadian Government as well as around the world is obvious to me that I don't understand how so many ppl are still drinking the koolaid?
I hear you. Same here.Several “educated” fools on my wife’s side…same story. Look up Matias Desmet,Belgian clinical psychologist,masters in statistics,particularly YouTube interview with Reiner Fuellmich.Rumble - Dr Pam Popper “What’s happening…”quotes him. I alone am awake and pure blood in my family.
You're not alone! Many are out in their communities standing up against the tyranny. Find a group. Never give up and always stand up!
Great group of patriots on twitter and gab.
Dr. Sam is perhaps the Saviour of Canada, by putting the truth out there on this topic. Hon. Brian Peckford is also saving Canada. Our rights are God-given. Thank you both! Howell Woltz Warsaw, Poland
Sure looks like we are in for a really difficult battle to toss the powers that be and try to get our country back on track. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I am against this experimental gene therapy. I won't have it. The election worries me. I don't trust it to be a legitimate election with so much corruption floating free. I want to vote PPC but fear it will be a wasted vote for this election. May God have mercy on us all that see what could be coming down the pike. I hope we can survive the onslaught.
I am afraid to vote PPC as well but I refuse to go along with the globalists in all of the other 5 parties. Therefore, PPC is getting my vote. I refuse to stand by the Conservative party when they fully intend to abandon me and all my countrymen. I believe there are enough of us to actually make a difference.
After watching all the flip flopping O'Toole has done the last few days, I have to agree with you! I just can't support any party that is so indecisive. They don't have our best interests at heart and I can see it is getting worse by the day. Gonna have to vote PPC and keep my fingers crossed for a better outcome than what I have heard so far. I really dislike the exclusion of the PPC in the debates. If the stand the PPC are taking is such a threat to the other parties, they just earned my vote.
It's either a vote for Freedom or a vote for communism. All votes make a big difference to the PPC national party.
Doesn't matter who you vote for...The elections here are rigged just as many places around the world.
Hi SQ, all my life I've volunteered in our elections, federal, provincial and municipal. I've believed that it is a privilege to vote, which it should be. I am so angry with this fraud continuing that I was actually thinking of spoiling my ballot, until I remembered the PPC. I'm going to vote Peoples Party of Canada. Their mandate is exactly what I want - no mandated vaccine, no passports. And to all those who say, "I've got nothing to hide," please realize that you will endorse the loss of life and liberty if you don't vote PPC.
We have to vote PPC. There are too many of us on the sidelines. Watch this; CTV had an online poll however deleted it when PPC was polling at 63%.
I refuse to give up my right to informed consent. How can I give informed consent when information is being withheld? I can’t and as such I refuse to do so. The raw data from the “Phase 2 Human Experimental Trials” which completed in October 2020, has not been made publicly available. Pfizer & Moderna have said that they will release it “sometime in 2022”. Talk to me AFTER that. Without the raw data we cannot verify their claims for safety & efficacy. You are letting very untrustworthy corporations with blatant financial conflicts of interest, decide what experimental gene therapy treatments you get AND you let the same companies decide what information is made public? NO. They want the public to take the experimental gene therapy injection then the raw data MUST BE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE
Honourable Brian Peckford and Dr Sam Dube, thank you both so much for this beautifully insightful discussion and education on what's going on, the "system" and all its broken corrupt issues and providing the call to action items that we all need to step up and do right now. I'm glad you called us out on a shift in personal responsibility and how we are all important - everyone's action matters right now. This needs to be seen by every Canadian before election day!
I know a women who moved to the States 18 years ago. She has now decided she wants to vote in Canada's upcoming election. She is a democrat and immigrated to Canada during Pierre Trudeau's opening of the flood gates. She has no love for Canada or the States. To me, that is foreign influence to the detriment of Canada.
Our so-called leaders have abdicated their duties and responsibilities to bureaucrats. Medical bureaucrats with minimal bona fides for such an important area.
Unfortunately, it appears the judiciary has opted to panic like many Canadians and follow the diktat. They justify it under section 1, believe it or not. They do not seem to even consider that many of the mainstream news are WRONG.
Only judges who have a solid record of protecting the status quo, get elevated. Only team players. The odd time an disrupter sneaks through, but very rare.
Agreed, but I am confused as to what you define as "status quo". At this point in time, it appears the status quo would be the diktat that your rights to refuse the jab is trumped by the feeling of panic instilled in the population by those who govern us through their actions (payments to) mass media. Or is the "status quo" you refer to that of the proper application of the Charter of rights and freedoms (which essentially ensured that government could not meddle in your private life). Because this latter status quo has been supplanted by the new diktat, much to my dismay.
JJDesgranges, your point is incomplete. I was a Court Reporter (Official of the Court) and I have known many judges. You are making strong statements with no supporting evidence. If you're going to claim justification from the judiciary via Section 1 of the Constitution then you need to cite your reference specifically with the date of the statement/claim.
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can i get a list and copies of those notices of liabilities please. i have 2 daughters attending MUN abd don't want to take the vaccine. please help us asap. i would like to be able to present those documents to Mun. my email is Thank you sooo much
Action4Canada is where you get the Notice of Liability forms -
6 likes - Hi Delmer, This is the best source with templates/forms for Notices of Exemption and many other pertinent matters we are all dealing with. It is free of charge, but I paid $5 for a Seniors' membership. I am posting this here so that there can share this information, but will also send it to your gmail.
Check the letters of the Bishops of Colorado if you are considering religious exemptions.
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If current prime ministers are not listening to our Canadians Charter of Rights.Who is pulling the strings to the PM?
One of the most important messages I've heard since this fiasco began. Thank you both so very much for these words and for this message. It will be sent to everyone I can as my last attempt to make them understand what is truly at stake. I too have vowed to myself and others that I have never been more passionate about a cause in my life and I will stand on this hill, shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters, to whatever end my come. Be strong! Our lives, our children's futures, all rest on our actions in this moment.
Very good interview, articulating the values that need to be protected and the way democracy has gone astray, Thank you Brian, and Sam. Indeed, an historic conversation.
"The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best." ~ Thomas Sowell
Who shall decide, what a "reasonable" limit is, on your freedoms, or mine.
He is a wise man. We need to fight to keep our freedoms. There is always someone who will want to take them away.
A True form of representative government requires. 1. Freedom of the person. Slavery, serfdom, & all forms of human bondage must disappear. 2. Freedom of the mind. Unless a free people are educated -- taught to think intelligently and plan wisely -- freedom usually does more harm than good. 3. The reign of law. Liberty can be enjoyed only when the will and whims of human rulers are replaced by legislative enactments in accordance with accepted fundamental law. 4. Freedom of speech. Representative government is unthinkable without freedom of all forms of expression for human aspirations & opinions. 5. Security of property. No government can long endure if it fails to provide for the right to enjoy personal property in some form. Man craves the right to use, control, bestow, sell, lease, & bequeath his personal property. 6. The right of petition. Representative government assumes the right of citizens to be heard. The privilege of petition is inherent in free citizenship. 7. The right to rule. It is not enough to be heard; the power of petition must progress to the actual management of the government. 8. Universal suffrage. Representative government presupposes an intelligent, efficient, & universal electorate. The character of such a government will ever be determined by the character & caliber of those who compose it. As civilization progresses, suffrage, while remaining universal for both sexes, will be effectively modified, regrouped, & otherwise differentiated. 9. Control of public servants. No civil government will be serviceable & effective unless the citizenry possess & use wise techniques of guiding & controlling officeholders & public servants. 10. Intelligent & trained representation. The survival of democracy is dependent on successful representative government; & that is conditioned upon the practice of electing to public offices only those individuals who are technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit.
4 likes - Hi everyone. Vaccine Choice Canada is an excellent website for templates you can implement in protecting yourself. If you serve your employer, or a Principal, etc., with a Notice of Vaccine Liability via Registered Mail (retain the receipt). If you are consequently fired, then you will have a basis for claiming Unemployment Insurance if you have contributed to it. Remember to retain all your evidence. Don't part with original copies - court requires original copies, not photocopies that may have been tampered with, so keep a filing system. You also may have a claim for Wrongful Dismissal - but I would be inclined to wait until there are a few Class Actions started. I would join a Class Action suit because it's not as expensive as hiring your own lawyer.
Well then whats stopping us from filing a class action lawsuit against the government and also Health Canada for breaching their Oaths to do no harm?
Legault refuses to end the emergency powers to restore democracy under the premise in doing so will mislead the public with misinformation. This from a man who says 'passports are liberty'. Let that sink in. It's like he never heard of Orwell. I'm extremely disappointed in Canadians and appalled at public officials.
What does section 32 of the charter actual mean...the charter only applies to the actions of governments and their agents?...have this man explain that section
I voted conservative and am now regretting it after watching this video! I had hope that Pierre Poillievre would be the voice of reasoning. Now I believe Pierre didn’t want to run for pm because he knew this was coming! I guess it’s easier to put a couple videos out and collect his 6 figure paycheque. So what do we do as a citizen to fight this tyranny?
At what point do we have to ask one another, where is the military and police to serve and protect us? We pay them and they took an oath
Ask the rcmp snd military that question
I hope Canada votes for ppc otherwise u now what’s going to
Brian Peckford is a hero of NFL. His book "some day the sun will shine and have not will be no more" taking the province from a 'have not' welfare state to no federal handouts and describes the duplicity of the federal government under Pierre Trudeau.
Your missing this is genocide.
Hi Sam, thanks for your video interviews; very helpful. I'd like to return the favour so I share with you and your readers the following, from a very smart man, Prof. Robert Clancy. The comments under the article are interesting and include a link to a petition.
Thanks Sam for the work your are doing . As a new Canadian really happy to listen to the strong and ethical people who built this country.Keep fighting and we will win this battle ....
That's why the politicians are allowing the unelected health ministers to be on the front line making the announcements, to avoid "ACCOUNTABILITY". Bam!
Bad news. Anyone ever heard of something called "the long march through the institutions"? The last surviving architect of the Manchurian Charter. Why are people so ignorant history. The Charter cannot be reformed. It was designed, by this man personally, to achieve the outcomes that that it has been producing. Guard your gates, or barbarians are going to be coming in.
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Hello Don, I never like learning history in school because it seemed like a waste of time to me then. Now I have lived history and given the amount of fraud evident in the MSM, CBC, etc., I prefer to go on what I actually know. Please don't take this as being an insult. It's very nice if you like history. But the other thing I notice is that warning just results in scaremongering. Better to find a way to stop what's going on and actually do something.
Read Peckfords book. Describes his fight against Pierre Trudeau. Peckford is a hero.
Brian Peckford tried his best to minimize federal power. He was up against big provinces.
"1 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." Seriously. It is right there, in the first or second sentence. SUBJECT ONLY TO SUCH REASONABLE LIMITS PRESCRIBED BY LAW Reasonable limits, means "rule by men". Not "rule of law".
1 like- Constitutional Rights Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Rocco Galati, LL.B.
As Newfoundlander neighborhood and engagement are key, all the while on so many levels NL like other provinces have let us down.... council is key, similarly we need to remember that power relations between State and individual must be equal to have a good outcome.... otherwise the current status quo on policy will continue to occur.
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Leaving aside how Brian came to have what he has, this is I suppose an encouraging endorsement considering where he comes from what he has done.
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The courts are not protecting us! We cannot trust anything anymore WE MUST PHYSICALLY REVOLT! WE CANNOT ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO EXIST ANYMORE! CANADA MUST DIE!
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No, Canada must die, IT is the foul thing here in BC, Brian.
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LOTS of LOVE Brian Peckford! I am Canadian and willing to do whatever is required to take our country back - 1st Step - Maxime Bernier is our man!
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Peckford was the architect that designed the system gauranteeing denial of Natural Rights and Natural Law. F**K him.
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That's why the politicians are allowing the unelected health ministers to be on the front line making the announcements, to avoid "ACCOUNTABILITY". Bam!
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A revolution is needed everything else is just walking and talking
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This is the hill i will stand as well. I will never comply. Mathew 7 13: Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many enter through it. I believe ours is the narrow gate and unfortunately few there be that find it. Mathew 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” We call them sheeple for good reason.
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Very powerful!
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Saw this post 2021 election. So appreciate you Honorable Brian Peckford; your reflection of history, your understanding of policy and being the last architect of our Canadian Charter of Rights. I am moved to action! Hoping for more opportunities for you to speak this truth! Thank you Dr Sam Dube I have subscribed!
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Blame it on the CCP and CCP money, Gates money and Soros money!
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We need all the provinces and lawyers to step up or this country will be torn apart. I can't see the provinces stepping up while the groper is bribing them with covid funding. Compliance is being bought. The trust of Canadians has completely been demolished.
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We should form a civil body who can site fines to any violating establishment; private and public.
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